Congrès Divers Informatique

7 réponses.

Congrès Divers Informatique

Conference proceedings. The 10th annual international symposium on computer architecture. Sponsored by IEEE, ACM, in cooperation with the University of Houston. - Association for computing machinery Press, 1983.

Congrès Divers Informatique

International conference on Supercomputing, july 4-8, 1988, Saint Malo, France. - Association for computing machinery Press, 1988.

Congrès Divers Informatique

Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN SIGOA symposium on text manipulation. Portland, Oregon, june 8-10, 1981. TM 81. - Association for computing machinery Press, 1981.

Congrès Divers Informatique

Proceedings of the digital equipment computer users society. Papers and presentations Europe 1984. 1984 DECUS Europe Symposium RAI Congress Centre Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 24-28, 1984. - Digital Equipment Corporation, 1983.

Congrès Divers Informatique

Proceedings of the digital equipment computer users society. Papers and presentations Europe 1985. 1985 DECUS Europe Symposium Palais des Congrès, Cannes, France, September 16-20, 1985. - Digital Equipment Corporation, 1985.

Congrès Divers Informatique

Structure in complexity theory, proceedings, second annual conference, june 16-19, 1987 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. - Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 1987.

Congrès Divers Informatique

1984 ACM symposium on LISP and functional programming. Austin (Texas). - Association for computing machinery Press, 1984.