Computing in the Jacobian of a C34 curve. Thesis presented to the mathematical institute for the degree of doctor of science, Tohoku University, September 2003. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2004. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications).
Concentration phenomena in singularly perturbed solutions of spatially heterogeneous reaction-diffusion equation. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2015. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 38).
Exact WKB approach to 2-level adiabatic transition problems with a small spectral gap. - Tohoku University, 2012. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 37).
On the Hasse principle for the Brauer group of a purely transcendental extension field in one variable over an arbitrary field. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2012. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 36).
Su Buqing memorial lectures N°1 : on the occasion of the Centennial of the faculty of science. Held at Tohoku University and Fudan University, 2008-2011. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2011. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 35).
Standard and non-standard analysis in second order arithmetic. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. Decembre 2007. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2009. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 34).
Homogeneous Kähler Einstein manifolds of nonpositive curvature operator. Thesis presented to Mathematical Institute for the degree of doctor of sciences, January 2007. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2007. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 33).
Global solutions for shape memory alloy systems. Thesis presented to the Mathematical Institute fo the degree of doctor of science, march 2006. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2006. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 32).
Study of rigidity problems for C2pi-manifolds. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. March 2005. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2006. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 31).
Geometric and analytic properties in the behavior of random walks on nilpotent covering graphs. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. January 2004. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2004. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 29).
Harmonic maps and totally geodesic maps between metric spaces. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. Septembre 2003. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2004. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 28).
Torsion of elliptic curves over number fields. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. March 2003. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2003. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 27).
Stability and singularities of harmonic maps into spheres. July 2003. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2003. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 26).
Stability and instability of standing waves for nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. March 2003. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2003. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 25).
Self-dual Kähler metrics of neutral signature on complex surfaces. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. June 2002. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2002. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 24).
Studies on toric Fano varieties. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. March 2001. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2002. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 23).
Constructions of harmonic maps between Hadamard manifolds. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. September 2001. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2001. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 22).
Monodromies of hyperelliptic families of genus three curves. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. March 2001. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2001. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 21).
Proceedings of the fifth Pacific Rim geometry conference, held at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan from July 25 to July 28, 2000. In Tohoku Mathematical Publications number 20, september 2001. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2001. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 20).
Studies on commuting difference sytems arising from solvable lattice models. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. March 2000. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2000. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 19).
Dirichlet problem at infinity for harmonic maps. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. March 2000. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2000. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 18).
Model-theoretic studies on subsystems of second order arithmetic. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. March 2000. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2000. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 17).
Hypoellipticity of second order differential operators with sign-changing principal symbols. Thesis presented for degree of Doctor of science. March 2000.. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2000. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 15).
Non-archimedean quantum mechanics. A thesis presented to the mathematical institute for the degree of doctor of science. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 1998. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 10).
Non-commutative Lp-spaces constructed by the complex interpolation method. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. January 1998. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 1998. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 9).
Proceedings of the international conference on asymptotics in nonlinear diffusive systems towards the understanding of singularities in dissipative structures, held at mathematical institute Tohoku university july 28-august 1, 1997. - Tohoku University, 1998. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 8).
Saturation of the approximation by spectral decompositions associated with the Schrödinger operator. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. January 1998. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 1998. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 7).
Solutions ramifiées des problèmes de Cauchy caractéristiques et fonctions hypergéométriques à deux variables. Thèse présentée en novembre 1994 à l'université Tohoku, Sendai, Japon. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 1997. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 6).
Some prehomogeneous representations defined by cubic forms. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. March 1997. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 1997. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 5).
Integral and rational points on algebraic curves of certain types and their Jacobian varieties over number fields. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. November 1996. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 1997. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 4).
Coset constructions of conformal blocks. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for degree of Doctor of Science. Tohoku University, march 1996. - Tohoku University, 1995. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 3).
Certain algebraic surfaces of general type with irregularity one and their canonical mappings. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. Tohoku Univ. december 1995. - Tohoku University, 1995. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 2).
Isometric pluriharmonic immersions of Kähler manifolds into semi-Euclidean spaces. Thesis to the Mathematical Institute for the degree of Doctor of Science. December 1995. - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 1995. - (Tohoku Mathematical Publications; 1).