The general Stokes' theorem. - Pitman books limited, 1983. - (Surveys and reference works in mathematics).
Ordinary differential equations, stability and periodic solutions. - Pitman books limited, 1980. - (Surveys and reference works in mathematics).
Linear integral operators. - Pitman books limited, 1982. - (Surveys and reference works in mathematics; 7).
Applications of nonlinear analysis in the physical sciences. Invited papers presented at a workshop at Bielefeld, F.R. Germany, October 1979. - Pitman books limited, 1981. - (Surveys and reference works in mathematics; 6).
Generalized inverses of linear transformations. - Pitman books limited, 1979. - (Surveys and reference works in mathematics; 4).
Numerical and quantitative analysis. - Pitman books limited, 1978. - (Surveys and reference works in mathematics; 3).