Barsotti symposium in algebraic geometry. Lectures presented at a symposium held in Abano Terne, Italy, June 1991. - Academic Press, 1994. - (Perspectives in Mathematics; 15).
The arithmetic and spectral analysis of Poincaré series. - Academic Press, 1990. - (Perspectives in Mathematics; 13).
Automorphic forms, Shimura varieties, and L-functions. Proceedings of a conference held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, July 6-16, 1988. Volume 2. - Academic Press, 1990. - (Perspectives in Mathematics; 11).
Automorphic forms, Shimura varieties, and L-functions. Proceedings of a conference held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, July 6-16, 1988. Volume 1. - Academic Press, 1990. - (Perspectives in Mathematics; 10).
Geometry of manifolds. - Academic Press, 1989. - (Perspectives in Mathematics; 8).
Lectures on buildings. - Academic Press, 1989. - (Perspectives in Mathematics; 7).
Huygens' principle of hyperbolic equations. - Academic Press, 1988. - (Perspectives in Mathematics; 5).
Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves with complex multiplication, p-adic L functions. - Academic Press, 1987. - (Perspectives in Mathematics; 3).