The theory of fractional powers of operators. - Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 187).
Topological algebras. - Elsevier Science Publishers, 2000. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 185).
Topological rings. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1993. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 178).
Tensor norms ans operators ideals. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1993. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 176).
Group representations. Volume 1. Part A: background material. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1992. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 175).
Group representations. Volume 1. Part B: introduction to group representations and characters. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1992. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 175).
Symmetries and laplacians. Introduction to harmonic analysis, group representations and applications. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1992. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 174).
Differential topology. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1992. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 173).
Big-planes, boundaries and function algebras. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1992. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 172).
Progress in functional analysis. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1992. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 170).
Geometry of Riemann surfaces and Teichmüller spaces. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1992. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 169).
Continuous linear representations. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1992. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 168).
Uniform Fréchet algebras. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1990. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 162).
Induced modules over group algebras. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1990. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 161).
Topological fields. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1989. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 157).
Generalized solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1987. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 146).
Recent topics in nonlinear PDE II. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1985. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 128).
Topological algebras. Selected topics. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1986. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 124).
Transform analysis of generalized functions. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1986. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 119).
Weighted norm inequalities and related topics. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1985. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 116).
Elementary introduction to new generalized functions. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1985. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 113).
Trends in the theory and practice of non-linear analysis. Proceedings of the 6th international conference held at the University of Texas at Arlington, June 18-22,1984. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1985. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 110).
Foundations of the numerical analysis of plasticity. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1985. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 107).
Mathematical and conceptual foundations of 20th-century physics. Second edition. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1986. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 100).
Trees and hills : methodology for maximizing functions of systems of linear relations. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1984. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 96).
Families of curves and the origins of partial differentiation. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1984. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 93).
Differential equations. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1984. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 92).
Functional analysis : surveys and recent result III. Paderborn. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1984. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 90).
Analytic sets in locally convex spaces. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1984. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 89).
Topics on perfect graphs. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1984. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 88).
Functional analysis, holomorphy and approximation theory II ; Proceedings of the seminario de analise funcional, holomorfia e teoria aproximaçao, held at the Universidade federal do Rio de Janeiro, august 3-7, 1981. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1981. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 86).
Summability through functional analysis. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1984. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 85).
New generalized functions and multiplication of distributions. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1984. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 84).
Computational techniques for differential equations. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1984. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 83).
Nonlinear partial differential equations in applied science. Proceedings of the U.S.-Japan seminar, Tokyo, 1982. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1983. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 81).
Coupled nonlinear oscillators. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1983. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 80).
Combinatorics'81 in honour of Beniamino Segre. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1983. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 78).
Maximum principle in finite element models for convection-diffusion phenomena. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1983. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 76).
Combinatorial mathematics. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1983. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 75).
Recent progress of algebraic geometry in Japan. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1983. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 73).
Functional analysis, holomorphy and approximation theory. Rio de Janeiro. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1982. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 71).
Introduction to Banach spaces and their geometry. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1982. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 68).
Topics in locally convex spaces. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1982. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 67).
Differential calculus and holomorphy. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1982. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 64).
Graph theory. Proceedings of the conference held at Trinity College from 11to 13 march 1981. (University of Cambridge). - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1982. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 62).
Nonlinear problems : present and future. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1982. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 61).
Theory and practice of combinatorics; a collection of articles honoring Anton Kotzig on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1982. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 60).
Studies on graphs and discrete programming. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1981. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 59).
Biomathematics in 1980, papers presented a workshop on current status and future perspectives. Salerno. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1980. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 58).
Complex analysis in locally convex spaces. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1981. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 57).
Convex cones. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1981. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 56).
Spectral theory of differential operators. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1981. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 55).
Real elliptic curves. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1981. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 54).
Nine introductions in complex analysis. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1981. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 53).
Nuclear and conuclear spaces. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1981. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 52).
The inverse scattering tranformation and the theory of solitons. An introduction. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1981. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 50).
History of functional analysis. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1981. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 49).
Mathematicians and their times. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1981. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 48).
Analytical and numerical approaches to asymptotic problems in analysis. Proceedings of the conference held at the University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, June 9-13, 1980. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1981. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 47).
Real variable methods in Fourier analysis. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1981. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 46).
Nonlinear partial differential equations ; sequential and weak solutions. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1980. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 44).
Topics in arithmetical functions. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1980. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 43).
Cohomology of completions. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1980. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 42).
Introduction to algebraic geometry and algebraic groups. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1980. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 39).
Functional analysis : surveys and recent results II. Paderborn. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1980. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 38).
Transmutation and operator differential equations. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1979. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 37).
Bifurcation of maps and applications. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1979. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 36).
Approximation theory and functional analysis, Proceedings of the international symposium on approximation theory, Univ. Estadual de Campinas, Brazil, August 1977. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1979. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 35).
Advances in holomorphy. Rio de Janeiro. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1979. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 34).
Developing mathematics in third world countries. Proceedings of the international conference held in Karthoum, march 6-9, 1978. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1979. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 33).
Differential equations and applications. Proceedings of the third Scheviningen conference on differential equations, The Netherlands, august 29- septembre 2, 1977. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1978. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 31).
Contemporary developments in continuum mechanics and partial differential equations, preceedings of the international symposium, Rio de Janeiro, august 1977. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1978. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 30).
Probabilities and potential. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1978. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 29).
Saks spaces and applications to functional analysis. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1978. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 28).
Functional analysis :surveys and recent results. Paderborn. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1977. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 27).
Bornologies and functional analysis. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1977. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 26).
Approximation of vector valued functions. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1977. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 25).
Topological algebras. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1977. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 24).
New developments in differential equations. Proceedings of the second Scheveningen conference on differential equations, the Nederlands, August, 25-29, 1975. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1976. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 21).
Vector measures and control systems. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1976. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 20).
Global theory of a second order linear ordinary differential equation with a polynomial coefficient. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1975. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 18).
Hewitt-Nachbin spaces. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1975. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 17).
Volterra stieltjes-integral equations. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1975. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 16).
Infinite dimensional holomorphy and applications. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1977. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 12).
Analytic functions and manifolds in infinite dimensional spaces. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1974. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 11).
Topology and Borel structure. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1974. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 10).
Graphs, groups and surfaces. Completely revised and elarged edition. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1984. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 8).
Graphs, groups and surfaces. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1973. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 8).
An introduction to complex analysis in several variables. Second edition. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1973. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 7).
Opérateurs maximaux monotones et semi-groupes de contractions dans les espaces de Hilbert. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1973. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 5).
Spectral theory and complex analysis. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1973. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 4).
Pseudo-convexité, convexité polynomiale et domaines d'holomorphie en dimension infinie. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1973. - (North-Holland mathematics studies; 3).