The representation theory of finite groups. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1982. - (North-Holland mathematical library).
Stream ciphers and number theory. Revised edition. - Elsevier Science Publishers, 2004. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 66).
Almost free modules - set-theoretic methods. Revised edition. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 2002. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 65).
The infinite-dimensional topology of function spaces. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 2001. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 64).
Codes on Euclidean spheres. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 2001. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 63).
C*-algebras. Volume 5: selected topics. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 2001. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 62).
Power geometry in algebraic and differential equations. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 2000. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 57).
Covering codes. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1997. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 54).
Mathematical approaches to neural networks. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1993. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 51).
Theory of convex structures. - Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 50).
Projective differential geometry of submanifolds. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1993. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 49).
Unitary representations and harmonic analysis. An introduction. Second edition. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1990. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 44).
Introduction to operator theory and invariant subspaces. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1988. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 42).
Topics in general topology. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1989. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 41).
A mathematical introduction to dirac's formalism. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1986. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 36).
Stochastic analysis. Katata and Kyoto. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1982. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 32).
Graded ring theory. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1982. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 28).
Von Neumann algebras. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1981. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 27).
Stochastic differential equations and diffusion processes. 2nd edition. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1989. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 24).
Dirichlet forms and Markov processes. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1980. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 23).
Rings of differential operators. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1979. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 21).
Operators ideals. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1980. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 20).
Interpolation theory, functions spaces, differential operators. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1978. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 18).
Interpolation theory, functions spaces, differential operators, part 1. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1978. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 18).
Interpolation theory, functions spaces, differential operators, part 2. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1978. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 18).
The theory of error-correcting codes, part 1. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1977. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 16).
The theory of error-correcting codes, part 2. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1977. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 16).
Abstract analytic number theory. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1975. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 12).
Markov chains. Revised edition. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1984. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 11).
Comparison theorems in Riemannian geometry. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1975. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 9).
The theory of numbers. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1975. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 8).
Cubic forms, algebra, geometry, arithmetic. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1974. - (North-Holland mathematical library; 4).