Bäcklund transformations and their applications. - Academic Press, 1982. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering).
Analysis and control of nonlinear infinite dimensional systems. - Academic Press, 1993. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 190).
Nonlinear system theory. - Academic Press, 1985. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 175).
Approximation of nonlinear evolution systems. - Birkhäuser Verlag, 1983. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 164).
First order elliptic systems : a function theoretic approach. - Academic Press, 1983. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 163).
Differential equations : classical to controlled. - Academic Press, 1982. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 162).
An introduction to applied optimal control. - Academic Press, 1981. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 159).
Maximum principles and their applications. - Academic Press, 1981. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 157).
Random differential inequalities. - Academic Press, 1980. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 150).
Applications of functional analysis and operator theory. - Academic Press, 1980. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 146).
Inequalities : theory of majorization and its applications. - Academic Press, 1979. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 143).
Stochastic models, estimation, and control. Volume 1. - Academic Press, 1979. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 141).
The Hamilton-Jacobi equation, a global approach. - Academic Press, 1977. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 131).
Probability methods for approximations in stochastic control and for elliptic equations. - Academic Press, 1977. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 129).
Suntactic methods in pattern recognition. - Academic Press, 1974. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 112).
An introduction to nonlinear boundary value problems. - Academic Press, 1974. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 109).
Bilinear control processes. - Academic Press, 1973. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 106).
Initial value methods for boundary value problems, theory and application of invariant imbedding. - Academic Press, 1973. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 100).
Realizability theory for continuous linear systems. - Academic Press, 1972. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 97).
Causality and dispersion relations. - Academic Press, 1972. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 95).
Methods of intermediate problems for Eigenvalues ; theory and ramifications. - Academic Press, 1972. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 89).
Differential equations in abstract spaces. - Academic Press, 1972. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 85).
Computational methods in optimization, a unified approach. - Academic Press, 1971. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 77).
Introduction to stochastic control theory. - Academic Press, 1970. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 70).
Function theoretic methods in partial differential equations. - Academic Press, 1969. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 54).
The special functions and their approximations. Vol. 1. - Academic Press, 1969. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 53).
The Special functions and their approximations, Volume II. - Academic Press, 1969. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 53).
Linear and quasilinear elliptic equations . - Academic Press, 1968. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 46).
Nonlinear two point boundary value problems. - Academic Press, 1968. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 44).
Lie theory and special functions. - Academic Press, 1968. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 43).
Nonlinear ordinary differential equations in transport processes. - Academic Press, 1968. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 42).
Quasilinearization and invariant imbedding : with applications to chemical engineering and adaptive control. - Academic Press, 1968. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 41).
Introduction to the mathematical theory of control processes. - Academic Press, 1971. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 40).
The theory of splines and their applications. - Academic Press, 1967. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 38).
Stochastic stability and control. - Academic Press, 1967. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 33).
Optimization of stochastic systems : topics in discrete-time systems. - Academic Press, 1967. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 32).
Lectures on functional equations and their applications. - Academic Press, 1966. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 19).
Optimum design of digital control systems. - Academic Press, 1963. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 10).
Discrete and continuous boundary problems. - Academic Press, 1964. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 8).
Optimization techniques, with applications to aerospace systems. - Academic Press, 1962. - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering; 5).