Statistical inference for spatial Poisson processes. - Springer Verlag, 1998. - (Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer-Verlag).
Case studies in environmental statistics. - Springer Verlag, 1998. - (Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer-Verlag; 132).
Logistic regression with missing values in the covariates. - Springer Verlag, 1994. - (Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer-Verlag; 86).
Probability models and statistical analyses for ranking Data. - Springer Verlag, 1993. - (Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer-Verlag; 80).
Advances in GLIMM and statistical modelling. Proceedings of the GLIM 92, conference and the 7th international workshop on Statistical modelling, Munich, 13-17 july 1992. - Springer Verlag, 1992. - (Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer-Verlag; 78).
When does Bootstrap work ? Asymptotic results and simulation. - Springer Verlag, 1992. - (Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer-Verlag; 77).
Generalized gamma convolutions and related classes of distributions and densities. - Springer Verlag, 1992. - (Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer-Verlag; 76).
Stochastic models, statistical methods, and algorithms in image analysis. Proceedings of the special year on Image Analysis held in Rome, Italy, 1990. - Springer Verlag, 1992. - (Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer-Verlag; 74).
Conditionally specified distributions. - Springer Verlag, 1992. - (Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer-Verlag; 73).
Exact confidence bounds when sampling from small finite universes: a easy reference based on the hypergeometric distribution. - Springer Verlag, 1991. - (Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer-Verlag; 66).