International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics

9 réponses.

Rudin, Walter

Principles of mathematical analysis. Third edition. - McGraw-Hill, 1976. - (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics).

Cohn, Harvey

Conformal mapping on Riemann surfaces. - McGraw-Hill, 1967. - (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics).

Buck, R.C. & Buck, E.F.

Advanced calculs. - McGraw-Hill, 1965. - (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics).

Simmons, George F.

Introduction to topology and modern analysis. - McGraw-Hill, 1963. - (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics).

Coddington, Earl A. & Levinson, Norman

Theory of ordinary differential equations. - McGraw-Hill, 1955. - (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics).

Ahlfors, Lars V.

Complex analysis, an introduction to the theory of analytic functions of one complex variable. - McGraw-Hill, 1953. - (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics).

Bellman, Richard

Stability theory of differential equations. - McGraw-Hill, 1953. - (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics).

Nehari, Zeev

Conformal mapping. - McGraw-Hill, 1952. - (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics).

Sveshnikov, A.A.

Applied methods of the theory of Random functions. - Pergamon Press, 1966. - (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics; 89).