Fields Institute Communications

6 réponses.

Jeu, Rob de (ed) & Lewis, James Dominic (ed)

Motives and algebraic cycles: a celebration in honour of Spencer J. Bloch. - American Mathematical Society, 2009. - (Fields Institute Communications; 56).

Kuhlmann, Franz-Viktor (ed) & Kuhlmann, Salma (ed) & Marshall, Murray (ed)

Valuation theory and its applications. Volume 2. - American Mathematical Society, 2003. - (Fields Institute Communications; 33).

Kuhlmann, Franz-Viktor (ed) & Kuhlmann, Salma (ed) & Marshall, Murray (ed)

Valuation theory and its applications. Volume 1. - American Mathematical Society, 2002. - (Fields Institute Communications; 32).

Bierstone, Edward (Ed.) & Khesin, Boris (Ed.) & Khovanskii, Askold (Ed.)

The Arnoldfest: proceedings of a conference in honour of V.I. Arnold for his sixtieth birthday, [June 15-21, 1997, Fields institute, Toronto]. - American Mathematical Society, 1999. - (Fields Institute Communications; 24).

Snaith, Victor P. (ed) & Thomason, Robert Wayne (hom)

Algebraic k-theory. Papers from the second Great Lakes conference held at the fields institute for research in mathematical science in Toronto, March 1996. - American Mathematical Society, 1997. - (Fields Institute Communications; 16).

Voiculescu, Dan-Virgil (ed)

Free probability theory. - American Mathematical Society, 1997. - (Fields Institute Communications; 12).