Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics

80 réponses.

Agrachev, Andrei A. & Barilari, Davide

A comprehensive introduction to sub-Riemannian geometry : from the hamiltonian viewpoint. - Cambridge University Press, 2019. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 181).

Milne, James S.

Algebraic groups: the theory of group schemes of finite type over a field . - Cambridge University Press, 2017. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 170).

Schneider, Peter

Galois representations and (Phi, Gamma) - modules.. - Cambridge University Press, 2017. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 164).

Pisier, Gilles

Martingales in Banach spaces. - Cambridge University Press, 2016. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 155).

Viana, Marcelo & Oliveira, Krerley

Foundations of ergodic theory. - Cambridge University Press, 2016. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 151).

Mattila, Pertti

Fourier analysis and Hausdorff dimension. - Cambridge University Press, 2015. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 150).

Viana, Marcelo

Lectures on Lyapunov exponents. - Cambridge University Press, 2014. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 145).

Helffer, Bernard

Spectral theory and its applications. - Cambridge University Press, 2013. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 139).

Muscalu, Camil & Schlag, Wilhelm

Classical and multilinear harmonic analysis. Volume 2. - Cambridge University Press, 2013. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 138).

Malle, Gunter & Testerman, Donna

Linear algebraic groups and finite groups of Lie type. - Cambridge University Press, 2011. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 133).

Goldfeld, Dorian & Hundley, Joseph & Faber, Xander

Automorphic representations and L-functions for the general linear group - Volume 2. - Cambridge University Press, 2011. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 130).

Goldfeld, Dorian & Hundley, Joseph & Faber, Xander

Automorphic representations and L-functions for the general linear group - Volume 1. - Cambridge University Press, 2011. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 129).

Kedlaya, Kiran Sridhara

p-adic differential equations. - Cambridge University Press, 2010. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 125).

Ceccherini-Silberstein, Tullio & Scarabotti, Fabio & Tolli, Filippo

Representation theory of the symmetric groups: the Okounkov-Vershik approach, character formulas, and partition algebras. - Cambridge University Press, 2010. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 121).

Anderson, Greg W. & Guionnet, Alice & Zeitouni, Ofer

An introduction to random matrices. - Cambridge University Press, 2010. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 118).

Szamuely, Tamás

Galois groups and fundamental groups. - Cambridge University Press, 2009. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 117).

Geiges, Hansjörg

An introduction to contact topology. - Cambridge University Press, 2008. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 109).

Davies, E. Brian

Linear operators and their spectra. - Cambridge University Press, 2007. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 106).

Tao, Terence & Vu, Van H.

Additive combinatorics. - Cambridge University Press, 2006. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 105).

Bertoin, J.

Random fragmentation and coagulation processes. - Cambridge University Press, 2006. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 102).

Gille, Philippe & Szamuely, Tamas

Central simple algebras and Galois cohomology. - Cambridge University Press, 2006. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 101).

Goldfeld, Dorian

Automorphic forms and L-functions for the group GL(n,R). - Cambridge University Press, 2006. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 99).

Montgomery, Hugh L. & Vaughan, Robert C.

Multiplicative number theory, volume 1: classical theory. - Cambridge University Press, 2007. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 97).

Kollár, János & Smith, Karen E. & Corti, Alessio

Rational and nearly rational varieties. - Cambridge University Press, 2004. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 92).

Carlson, James & Müller-Stach, Stefan & Peters, Chris

Period mappings and period domains. - Cambridge University Press, 2003. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 85).

Bailey, R.A.

Association schemes: designed experiments, algebra and combinatorics. - Cambridge University Press, 2004. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 84).

Paulsen, Vern

Completely bounded maps and operator algebras. - Cambridge University Press, 2002. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 78).

Voisin, Claire

Hodge theory and complex algebraic geometry, volume 2. - Cambridge University Press, 2003. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 77).

Voisin, Claire

Hodge theory and complex algebraic geometry, volume 1. - Cambridge University Press, 2002. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 76).

Sheil-Small, Terence

Complex polynomials. - Cambridge University Press, 2002. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 73).

Bollobas, Béla

Random graphs. Second edition. - Cambridge University Press, 2001. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 73).

Bollobas, Béla

Random graphs. Second edition. - Cambridge University Press, 2001. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 73).

Borceux, Francis & Janelidze, George

Galois theories. - Cambridge University Press, 2001. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 72).

Hida, Haruzo

Modular forms and Galois cohomology. - Cambridge University Press, 2000. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 69).

Morosawa, S. & Nishimura, Y. & Taniguchi, M. & Ueda, T.

Holomorphic dynamics. - Cambridge University Press, 2000. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 66).

Stanley, Richard P.

Enumerative combinatorics, volume 2. Second Edition. - Cambridge University Press, 2024. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 62).

Stanley, Richard P.

Enumerative combinatorics, volume 2. - Cambridge University Press, 1999. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 62).

Brodmann, M.P. & Sharp, R.Y.

Local cohomology: an algebraic introduction with geometric applications. - Cambridge University Press, 1998. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 60).

McCleary, John

A user's guide to spectral sequences. Deuxičme édition. - Cambridge University Press, 2001. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 58).

Laumon, Gérard

Cohomology of Drinfeld modular varieties, part 2: automorphic forms, trace formulas and Langlands correspondence. - Cambridge University Press, 1997. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 56).

Bump, Daniel

Automorphic forms and representations. - Cambridge University Press, 1998. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 55).

Le Potier, Joseph

Lectures on vector bundles. - Cambridge University Press, 1997. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 54).

Völklein, Helmut

Groups as Galois groups. An introduction. - Cambridge University Press, 1996. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 53).

Jurdjevic, Velimir

Geometric control theory. - Cambridge University Press, 1997. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 51).

Porteous, Ian R.

Clifford algebras and the classical groups (reprinted 2000). - Cambridge University Press, 1995. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 50).

Stanley, Richard P.

Enumerative combinatorics. Volume 1 - 2nd edition. - Cambridge University Press, 2012. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 49).

Meyer, Yves & Coifman, Ronald

Wavelets: Calderón-Zygmund and multilinear operators. - Cambridge University Press, 1997. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 48).

Peskine, Christian

An algebraic introduction to complex projective geomery. Volume 1: commutative algebra. - Cambridge University Press, 1996. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 47).

Mattila, Pertti

Geometry of sets and measures in euclidean spaces. Fractals and rectifiability. - Cambridge University Press, 1995. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 44).

Diestel, Joe & Jarchow, Hans & Tonge, Andrew

Absolutely summing operators. - Cambridge University Press, 1995. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 43).

Davies, Edward Brian

Spectral theory and differential operators. - Cambridge University Press, 1995. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 42).

Laumon, Gérard

Cohomology of Drinfeld modular varieties. Volume 1 : geometry, counting of points and local harmonic analysis. - Cambridge University Press, 1996. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 41).

Snaith, Victor Percy

Explicit Brauer induction, with applications to algebra and number theory. - Cambridge University Press, 1994. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 40).

Bruns, Winfried & Herzog, Jürgen

Cohen-Macaulay rings.- Rev. ed.. - Cambridge University Press, 1998. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 39).

Bruns, Winfried & Herzog, Jürgen

Cohen-Macaulay rings. - Cambridge University Press, 1993. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 39).

Weibel, Charles A.

An introduction to homological algebra. - Cambridge University Press, 1995. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 38).

Weibel, Charles A.

An introduction to homological algebra. - Cambridge University Press, 1994. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 38).

Weibel, Charles A.

An introduction to homological algebra. - Cambridge University Press, 1994. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 38).

Meyer, Yves

Wavelets and operators. - Cambridge University Press, 1992. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 37).

Palis, J. & Takens, F.

Hyperbolicity & sensitive chaotic dynamics at homoclinic bifurcations. - Cambridge University Press, 1993. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 35).

Ambrosetti, A. & Preodi, G.

A primer of nonlinear analysis. Paperback edition with corrections. - Cambridge University Press, 1995. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 34).

Soulé, C. & Abramovich, D. & Burnol, J.F. & Kramer, J.

Lectures on Arakelov geometry. - Cambridge University Press, 1992. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 33).

Benson, D.J.

Representations and cohomology. Volume II: cohomology of groups and modules. - Cambridge University Press, 1991. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 31).

Benson, D.J.

Representations and cohomology. Volume 1: basic representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras. - Cambridge University Press, 1995. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 30).

Humphreys, James E.

Reflection groups and Coxeter groups. - Cambridge University Press, 1992. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 29).

Goebel, Kazimierz & Kirk, W.A.

Topics in metric fixed point theory. - Cambridge University Press, 1990. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 28).

Fröhlich, A. & Taylor, M.J.

Algebraic number theory. - Cambridge University Press, 1991. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 27).

Gilbert, John E. & Murray, Margaret A.M.

Clifford algebras and Dirac operators in harmonic analysis. - Cambridge University Press, 1991. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 26).

Wojtaszczyk, P.

Banach spaces for analysts. - Cambridge University Press, 1996. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 25).

Kunita, Hiroshi

Stochastic flows and stochastic differential equations. - Cambridge University Press, 1997. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 24).

Collins, Michael J.

Representations and characters of finite groups. - Cambridge University Press, 1990. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 22).

Koosis, Paul

The logarithmic integral. Volume 2. - Cambridge University Press, 1992. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 21).

Pietsch, Albrecht

Eigenvalues and s-numbers. - Cambridge University Press, 1987. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 13).

Koosis, Paul

The logarithmic integral I. - Cambridge University Press, 1998. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 12).

Alperin, J.L.

Local representation theory. Modular representations as an introduction to the local representation theory of finite groups. - Cambridge University Press, 1993. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 11).

Aschbacher, Michael

Finite group theory. Second edition. - Cambridge University Press, 2000. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 10).

Matsumura, Hideyuki

Commutative ring theory. 3rd edition. - Cambridge University Press, 1992. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 8).

Kahane, Jean-Pierre

Some random series of functions. Second edition. - Cambridge University Press, 1993. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 5).

Petersen, Karl

Ergodic theory. - Cambridge University Press, 1989. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 2).

Petersen, Karl

Ergodic theory. - Cambridge University Press, 1983. - (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics; 2).