Arithmetic geometry: computation and applications: 16th International conference, arithmetic, geometry, cryptography, and coding theory, June 19-23, 2017, Centre international de rencontres mathématiques, Marseille, France. - American Mathematical Society, 2019. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 722).
Ordered Algebraic Structures and Related Topics. - American Mathematical Society, 2017. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 697).
Mathematics of continuous and discrete dynamical systems: AMS special session in honor of Ronald Mickens's 70th birthday nonstandard finite-difference discretizations and nonlinear oscillations, January 9-10, 2013, San Diego, CA. - American Mathematical Society, 2014. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 618).
Diophantine methods, lattices, and arithmetic theory of quadratic forms. International workshop, Banff international research station, November 13-18, 2011, Banff (Alta.), Canada. - American Mathematical Society, 2013. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 587).
Dynamical numbers: interplay between dynamical systems and number theory - A special program, May 1-July 31, 2009 : international conference, July 20-24, 2009, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany. - American Mathematical Society, 2010. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 532).
Ultramath , 2008
Ultrafilters across mathematics: international congress, Ultramath 2008: applications of ultrafilters and ultraproducts in mathematics, June 1-7, 2008, Pisa, Italy. - American Mathematical Society, 2010. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 530).
Symplectic topology and measure preserving dynamical systems. AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held in Snowbird, Utah, on July 1-5, 2007. - American Mathematical Society, 2010. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 512).
Imaging microstructures. Mathematical and computational challenges : Proceedings of a research conference, June 18-20, 2008, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France. - American Mathematical Society, 2009. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 494).
Quadratic forms - algebra, arithmetic, and geometry. International conference on algebraic and arithmetic theory of quadratic forms, held on December 13-19, 2007 at Frutillar, Chile. - American Mathematical Society, 2009. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 493).
Mathematics, development biology, and tumour growth. UIMP-RSME Santaló Summer School, September 11-15, 2006, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander, Spain. - American Mathematical Society, 2009. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 492).
Fourth summer school in analysis and mathematical physics: topics in spectral theory and quantum mechanics, May 2005, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Cuernavaca, Mexico. - American Mathematical Society, 2008. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 476).
Stationary and time dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equations. Wolfgang Pauli Institute 2006 Thematic Program, January-December 2006, Vienna, Austria. - American Mathematical Society, 2008. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 473).
Geometric and probabilistic structures in dynamics. Workshop on dynamical systems and related topis in honorof Michael Brin, on the occasion of his 60th birthday, March 15-18, 2008, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. - American Mathematical Society, 2008. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 469).
Moving interface problems and applications in fluid dynamics. Program on moving interface problems and applications in fluid dynamics, January 8-March 31, 2007, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore. - American Mathematical Society, 2008. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 466).
Computational arithmetic geometry - AMS Special Session on Computational Arithmetic Geometry, April 29-30, 2006, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA. - American Mathematical Society, 2008. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 463).
Real and complex singularities. Ninth international workshop on real and complex singularities, July 23-28, 2006 - ICMP-USP, Sao Carlos, S.P. Brazil. - American Mathematical Society, 2008. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 459).
Integrable systems and random matrices: in honnor of Percy Deift. - American Mathematical Society, 2008. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 458).
Topics in harmonic analysis and ergodic theory. December 2-4, 2005, De Paul University, Chicago, Illinois. - American Mathematical Society, 2007. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 444).
Topology and robotics. Symposium on July 10-14, 2006, FIM ETH, Zurich. - American Mathematical Society, 2008. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 438).
Ergodic theory and related fields. 2004-2006 Chapel Hill Workshops on probability and ergodic theory, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 2004-2006. - American Mathematical Society, 2007. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 430).
Quantum graphs and their applications: proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Quantum Graphs and Their Applications, June 19-23, 2005, Snowbird, Utah. - American Mathematical Society, 2006. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 415).
Complex dynamics - Twenty-five years after the appearance of the Mandelbrot set. Proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Complex Dynamics. June 13-17, 2004, Snowbird, Utah. - American Mathematical Society, 2006. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 396).
Snowbird lectures in algebraic geometry: proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference on algebraic geometry: presentations by young researchers, July 4-8, 2004, Snowbird, Utah. - American Mathematical Society, 2005. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 388).
Recent progress in arithmetic and algebraic geometry. Barrett Lecture Series Conference, April 25-27, 2002, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee. - American Mathematical Society, 2005. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 386).
Stark's conjectures: recent work and new directions. An international conference on Stark's conjectures and related topics, August 5-9, 2002, Johns Hopkins University. - American Mathematical Society, 2004. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 358).
Chapel Hill ergodic theory workshops: June 8-9, 2002 and February 14-16, 2003, the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. - American Mathematical Society, 2004. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 356).
Real and complex singularities. Proceedings of the seventh international workshop on real and complexsSingularities, July 29-August 2, 2002, ICMC-USP, Sao Carlos, Brazil. - American Mathematical Society, 2004. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 354).
Algebraic and arithmetic theory of quadratic forms: proceedings of the International Conference on the Algebraic and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms, December 11-18, 2002, Universidad de Talca, Chile. - American Mathematical Society, 2004. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 344).
Algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry. Papers dedicated to A.N. Parshin, on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. - American Mathematical Society, 2002. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 300).
Structured matrices in mathematics, computer science and engineering volume 2. Proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference University of Colorado, Boulder, June 27 - july 1, 1999. - American Mathematical Society, 2001. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 281).
Structured matrices in mathematics, computer science and engineering, volume 1. Proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM conference, University of Colorado, Boulder, June 27 - July 1, 1999. - American Mathematical Society, 2001. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 280).
Quadratic forms and their applications. QF '99, Proceedings of the conference held on July 5-9, 1999, University College of Dublin. - American Mathematical Society, 2000. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 272).
Lamination and foliations in dynamics, geometry and topology. Proceedings of the conference held on May 18-24, 1998, SUNY at Stony Brook with support of the National Science Foundation. - American Mathematical Society, 2001. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 269).
Integral quadratic forms and lattices. Proceedings of the international conference held on June 15-19, 1998, Seoul National University, Korea. - American Mathematical Society, 1999. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 249).
Applications of curves over finite fields. The 1997 AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference in the mathematical sciences was held at the University of Washington on july 27-31,1997. - American Mathematical Society, 1999. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 245).
Algebraic geometry: Hirzebruch 70. Proceedings of the algebraic geometry conference in honor of F. Hirzebruch's 70th birthday, may 11-16, 1998 in Stefan Banach international mathematical center, Warszawa, Poland. - American Mathematical Society, 1999. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 241).
Finite fields: theory, applications and algorithms. Fourth international conference held on August 12-15, 1997, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. - American Mathematical Society, 1999. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 225).
Topological dynamics and applications. A volume in honor of Robert Ellis. Proceedings of a conference in honor of the retirement of Robert Ellis, April 5-6, 1995, University of Minnesota. - American Mathematical Society, 1998. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 215).
Number theory. Ramanujan Mathematical Society conference held in Tiruchirapalli, India, January 3-6, 1996. - American Mathematical Society, 1998. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 210).
Operads: Proceedings of renaissance conferences. Special session and international conference on moduli spaces, operads, and representation theory March 1995 May-June 1995, Hartford, USA, Luminy, France. - American Mathematical Society, 1997. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 202).
Extremal Riemann surfaces. From the proceedings of the AMS special session with related papers, january 4-5, 1995, held at San Francisco, California, USA. - American Mathematical Society, 1997. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 201).
Recent developments in the inverse Galois problem. A joint summer research conference held at University of Washington, Seattle, July 17-23, 1993. - American Mathematical Society, 1995. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 186).
Domain decomposition methods in scientific and engineering computing. Proceedings of the seventh international conference on domain decomposition, october 27-30, 1993 at Pennsylvania state university. - American Mathematical Society, 1994. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 180).
Jerusalem Combinatorics'93. An international conference in combinatorics, held at Jerusalem, Israel, may 9-17, 1993. - American Mathematical Society, 1994. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 178).
Arithmetic geometry. Conference with an emphasis on Iwasawa theory, held at Arizona State University, March 15-18, 1993. - American Mathematical Society, 1994. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 174).
The mathematical legacy of Wilhelm Magnus. Groups, geometry and special functions. Conference on the Legacy of W.Magnus, May, 1-3, 1992, held at Polytechnic University Brooklyn, New-Yrok. - American Mathematical Society, 1994. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 169).
P-adic monodromy and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture. A workshop held in Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. August 12-16, 1991. - American Mathematical Society, 1994. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 165).
Classification of algebraic varieties. Algebraic geometry conference, may 22-30, 1992, university of l'Aquila, Italie. - American Mathematical Society, 1994. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 162).
Recent advances in real algebraic geometry and quadratic forms Proceedings of the RAGSQUAD year, held a the University of California, Berkeley, 1990-1991. - American Mathematical Society, 1994. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 155).
A tribute to Emil Grosswald : number theory and related analysis. - American Mathematical Society, 1993. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 143).
Curves, jacobians and abelian varieties. Proceedings of an AMS-AMS-SIAM joint summer research conference of the Schottky problem. - American Mathematical Society, 1992. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 136).
Deformation theory and quantum groups with applications to mathematical physics. Proc. of an AMS-IMS-SIAM 1990 joint summer research conference held june 14-20, at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. - American Mathematical Society, 1992. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 134).
P-adic methods in number theory and algebraic geometry. - American Mathematical Society, 1992. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 133).
Algebraic K-theory, commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. Proceedings of the US-Italy joint seminar held hune 18-24, 1989 at Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy. - American Mathematical Society, 1992. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 126).
Enumerative algebraic geometry. Proceedings of a symposium held July 30 - August 6, 1989 at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. - American Mathematical Society, 1991. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 123).
Spinor construction of vertex operator algebras, triality, and E8(1). - American Mathematical Society, 1991. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 121).
Logic and computation. Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, July 1987. Proceedings of a workshop held at Carnegie Mellon University. - American Mathematical Society, 1990. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 106).
Coloring theories. - American Mathematical Society, 1989. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 103).
Current progress in hyperbolic systems: Riemann problems and computations. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held july 16-22, 1988 with support from the national science foundation and the office of Naval Res. - American Mathematical Society, 1989. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 100).
Every planar map is four colorable. - American Mathematical Society, 1989. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 98).
Infinite algebraic extensions of finite fields. - American Mathematical Society, 1989. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 95).
Singularities. Proceedings of the IMA participating institutions conference, held july 28-august 1, 1986. With support from the participating institutions of the institut of mathematics and its applications and the university of Iowa. - American Mathematical Society, 1989. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 90).
Graphs and algorithms. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held june 28-july 4, 1987 with support from the national science foundation. University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. - American Mathematical Society, 1989. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 89).
Algebraic k-theory and algebraic number theory : Proc. of a seminar held at Honolulu, Hawaï on january 12-16, 1987, with support from the National Science Foundation and the Japan Society for the promotion of science. - American Mathematical Society, 1989. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 83).
Hamiltonian dynamical systems. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference in the mathematical science on Hamiltonian dynamical systems, held at University of Colorado, june 21-27, 1987. - American Mathematical Society, 1988. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 81).
Regular differential forms. - American Mathematical Society, 1988. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 79).
Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference in mathematical sciences on Artin's Braid Group held at the University of California, Santa Cruz, July 13-26, 1986. - American Mathematical Society, 1988. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 78).
Number theory and its applications in China. - American Mathematical Society, 1988. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 77).
Geometry of random motion. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held july 19-25, 1987 with support from the National Science Foundation and the Army Research Office. - American Mathematical Society, 1988. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 73).
Methods and applications of mathematical logic. Proceedings of the VII Latin American Symposium on mathematical logic held july 29-august 2, 1985. - American Mathematical Society, 1988. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 69).
Differential geometry : the interface between pure and applied mathematics. Proceedings of a conference held april 23-25, 1986 with support from the National Science Foundation. - American Mathematical Society, 1987. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 68).
Current trends in arithmetical algebraic geometry, conference august. Arcata. Proceedings of th AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer sesearch conference held august 18-24, 1985 with support from the National Science Foundation. - American Mathematical Society, 1985. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 67).
Logics and combinatorics. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference, held August 4-10, 1985, with support from the National Science Foundation. - American Mathematical Society, 1987. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 65).
Integral geometry. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held august 12-18, 1984, with support form the National Science Foundation. - American Mathematical Society. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 63).
Function estimates. Proceedings of a conference held july 28-august 3, 1985, at Humboldt State University, Arcata, California. - American Mathematical Society, 1986. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 59).
The Lefschetz centennial conference. Part I: Proceedings on algebraic geometry. Held december 10-14, 1984, in Mexico City. - American Mathematical Society, 1986. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 58).
Combinatorics and ordered sets. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIam joint summer research conference held august 11-17, 1985, with support from the national science foundation. - American Mathematical Society, 1986. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 57).
Multiparameter bifurcation theory. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held huly 14-20, 1985, with support from the national science foundation. - American Mathematical Society, 1986. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 56).
Applications of algebraic K-Theory to algebraic geometry and number theory. Part 1. Proceedings AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held 12-18, 1983, with support from National Science Foundation. - American Mathematical Society, 1986. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 55).
Applications of algebraic K-Theory to algebraic geometry and number theory. Part 2. Proceedings AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held 12-18, 1983, with support from National Science Foundation. - American Mathematical Society, 1986. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 55).
Differential analysis in infinite dimensional spaces. Proc. AMS special session, held august 8-10, 1983, with partial support from the NSERC (Canada). - American Mathematical Society, 1986. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 54).
The Selberg trace formula and related topics. Proc. AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference, held july 22-28, 1984, with support from National Science Foundation. - American Mathematical Society, 1986. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 53).
Geometry of normed linear spaces. Proc. conf. held june 9-12, 1983, in honor of Mahlon Marsh Day. - American Mathematical Society, 1986. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 52).
Nonlinear problems in geometry. Proc. of an AMS special session held may 3-4, 1985. - American Mathematical Society, 1986. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 51).
Random matrices and their applications. Proceedings of the AMS-IMA-SIAM joint summer research conference june 17-23, 1984, with support from the National Science Foundation. - American Mathematical Society, 1984. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 50).
Complexe differential geometry and nonlinear differential equations. Proc. of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conf. held august 12-18, 1984, with support from the National science foundation. - American Mathematical Society, 1986. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 49).
Analytic functions of one complex variable. - American Mathematical Society, 1985. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 48).
Linear algebra and its role in systems theory. Proc. AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conf. held on july 29-august 4, 1984, with support from National science foundation. - American Mathematical Society, 1985. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 47).
Structure of the standard modules for the affine Lie algebra A(1)1. - American Mathematical Society, 1985. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 46).
Finite groups - Coming of age. Proc. canadian math. society conference, held on june 15-28, 1982, with partial support from the FCAC (Quebec) and the NSERC (Canada). - American Mathematical Society, 1985. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 45).
Combinatorial methods in topology and algebraic geometry. - American Mathematical Society, 1985. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 44).
Group actions on rings. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held at Brunswick, Maine, July 8-14, 1984. - American Mathematical Society, 1985. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 43).
Classical real analysis. Proceedings of the special session, 794th meeting of the AMS held in Madison, Wisconsin, april 16-17, 1982. - American Mathematical Society, 1985. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 42).
Particle systems, random media and large deviations. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference in the mathematical sciences on mathematics of phase transitions. Held at Bowdoin College, June 24-30, 1984. - American Mathematical Society, 1985. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 41).
Integral bases for affine Lie algebras and their universal enveloping algebras. - American Mathematical Society, 1985. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 40).
Errett Bishop : reflections on him and his research. Proceedings of the memorial meeting held at the university of California, San Diego, spetember 24, 1983. - American Mathematical Society, 1985. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 39).
Topics in complex analysis. Proceedings of the special session, 806th meeting of the AMS, held in Fairfeld, Connecticut, october 26-29, 1983. - American Mathematical Society, 1985. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 38).
Conference on algebraic topology in honor of Peter Hilton. held at memorial university of Newfoundland St John's, Newfoundland, Canada, august 6-12, 1983. - American Mathematical Society, 1985. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 37).
Group actions on manifolds. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held at the university of Colorado, Boulder, June 26-July 1, 1983. - American Mathematical Society, 1985. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 36).
Four-manifold theory. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research held at Durham, New Hampshire, July 4-10, 1982. - American Mathematical Society, 1984. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 35).
Combinatorics and algebra. Proceedings of the conference held at the University of Colorado, Boulder, june 5-11, 1983. - American Mathematical Society, 1983. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 34).
Contributions to group theory. Papers dedicated to Roger C. Lyndon, on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. - American Mathematical Society, 1984. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 33).
Proceedings of the conference on Banach Algebras, and several complex variables. Proceedings of the conference held at Yales univesity, New Haven, Connecticut, june 21-24, 1983. - American Mathematical Society, 1984. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 32).
Axiomatic set theory. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held at the university of Colorado, June 19-25, 1983. - American Mathematical Society, 1984. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 31).
Mathematical applications of category theory. Proceedings of the special session, 89th annual meeting of the AMS held in Denvier, Colorado, january 5-9, 1983. - American Mathematical Society, 1984. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 30).
Automated theorem proving : after 25 years. Proceedings of the special session, 89th annual meeting of the AMS held in Denver, Colorado, January 5-9, 1983. - American Mathematical Society, 1984. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 29).
Fluids and plasmas : geometry and dynamics. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held at the university of Colorado, Boulder, July 17-23, 1983. - American Mathematical Society, 1984. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 28).
Microlocal analysis. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held at the university of Colorado, Boulder, July 10-16, 1983. - American Mathematical Society, 1984. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 27).
Conference in modern analysis and probability hel at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, june 8-11, 1982. - American Mathematical Society, 1984. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 26).
Value distribution theory and its applications. Proceedings of the special session, 803rd meeting of the AMS, held in New York city, New York, 14-15, 1983. - American Mathematical Society, 1983. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 25).
Central extensions, Galois groups, and ideal class groups of number fields. - American Mathematical Society, 1983. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 24).
Chapter of Ramanujan's second notebook, infinite series identities, tranformations, and evaluations. - American Mathematical Society, 1983. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 23).
Factorizations of bn +/- 1, b = 2,3,5,6,7,10,11,12 up to high powers. Second edition. - American Mathematical Society, 1985. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 22).
Topological methods in nonlinear functional analysis. Proceedings of the special session, 86th summer meeting of the AMS, held at the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, august 21-26, 1982. - American Mathematical Society, 1983. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 21).
Low dimensional topology. Proceedings of the special session, 87th annual meeting of the AMS, held in San Francisco, California, January 7-11, 1981. - American Mathematical Society, 1983. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 20).
Proceedings of the Northwestern homotopy theory conference, held at Northwestern University, March 22-26, 1982. - American Mathematical Society, 1983. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 19).
Fixed points and nonexpansive mappings. Proceedings of the special sesson, 88th annual meeting of the AMS, held in Cincinnati, Ohio, january 11-17, 1982. - American Mathematical Society, 1983. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 18).
Nonlinear partial differential equations. Proceedings of a conference held at the university of New Hampshire, june 20-26, 1982. - American Mathematical Society, 1983. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 17).
Complex representations of GL(2,K) for finite fields K. - American Mathematical Society, 1983. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 16).
Advanced analytic number theory. Part 1 : ramification theoretic methods. - American Mathematical Society, 1983. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 15).
Lectures on Nielsen fixed point theory. - American Mathematical Society, 1983. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 14).
Algebraist' homage : papers in ring theory and related topics. Proceedings of the conference on algebra in honor of Nathan Jacobson, held in New Haven, Connecticut, june 2-5, 1981. - American Mathematical Society, 1982. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 13).
Algebraic topology in honor of José Adem. Symposium held at Centro Vacacional del Seguro Social, Oaxtepec, Morelos, Mexico, august 10-16, 1981. - American Mathematical Society, 1982. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 12).
Plane ellipticity and related problems. Proceedings of the special session, 87th annual meeting of the American Mathematical Society, held in San Francisco, California, January 7-11, 1981. - American Mathematical Society, 1980. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 11).
Operator algebras and K-theory. Proceedings of the special session 87th annual meeting of the AMS held in San Francisco, California, january 7-11, 1981. - American Mathematical Society, 1980. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 10).
Proceedings the 21st Summer research Institute Australian mathematical Society held at the University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia, january 12-february 6, 1981. - American Mathematical Society, 1980. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 9).
Ordered fields and real algebraic geometry. Proceedings of the special session, 87th annual meeting of the AMS, held in San Francisco, California, january 7-11, 1981. - American Mathematical Society, 1980. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 8).
Complex contour integral representation of Cardinal spline functions. - American Mathematical Society, 1982. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 7).
Umbral calculus and Hopf algebras. Proceedings of the conference held at the university of Oklahoma, Norman May 15-20, 1978. - American Mathematical Society, 1982. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 6).
Rational constructions of modules for simple Lie algebras. - American Mathematical Society, 1980. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 5).
Problems of elastic stability and vibrations. Proceedings of the special session. Held at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 15-16, 1981. - American Mathematical Society, 1981. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 4).
The closed graph and p-closed graph properties in general topology. - American Mathematical Society, 1981. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 3).
Integration, topology, and geometry in linear spaces. Proceedings of the conference held at the university of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, may 17-19, 1979. - American Mathematical Society, 1980. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 2).
Markov random fields and their application. - American Mathematical Society, 1980. - (Contemporary Mathematics; 1).