Complex analysis in several variables: memorial conference of Kiyoshi Oka's centennial birthday Kyoto. Papers from the conference held in Kyoto, from October 30th through November 5th, 2001 and Nara, November 6-8, 2001. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 2004. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 42).
Stochastic analysis and related topics in Kyoto - lectures from the conference held at Kyoto University, september 4-7, 2002, in honour of Kiyoshi Ito. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 2004. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 41).
Representation theory of algebraic groups and quantum groups. Papers from the conference held at the 10th International Research Institute of the Mathematical Society of Japan, at Sophia University, Tokyo, August 1-10, 2001. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 2004. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 40).
Stochastic analysis on large scale interacting systems. Papers from the 11th international conference held in Hayama, July 17-26, 2002 and the international conference on stochastic analysis and statistical mechanics Kyoto, july 29-30, 2002. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 2004. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 39).
Operator algebras and applications. Proceedings of the US-Japan seminar held at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, June 7-11, 1999. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 2004. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 38).
Lie groups, geometric structures and differential equations. One hundred years after Sophus Lie. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 2002. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 37).
Algebraic geometry 2000, Azumino. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 2002. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 36).
Higher dimensional birational geometry. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 2002. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 35).
Minimal surfaces, geometric analysis and symplectic geometry. Papers from the workshop and conference held at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, march 16-21, 1999. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 2002. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 34).
Computational commutative algebra and combinatorics. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 2002. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 33).
Groups and combinatorics. In memory of Michio Suzuki. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 2001. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 32).
Taniguchi conference on mathematics Nara '98. Papers from the conference was held on December 15-20, 1998 at the Nara Prefectural Cultural Hall, Nara, Japan. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 2001. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 31).
Class field theory. Its centenary and prospect. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 2001. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 30).
Singularities. Sapporo 1998. Proceedings of the International Symposium on singularities in geometry and topology held at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, July 6-10, 1998. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 2000. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 29).
Combinatorial methods in representation theory. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 2000. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 28).
Arrangements, Tokyo 1998. Workshop on mathematics related to arrangements of hyperplanes, Tokyo Metropolitan University, july 13-18, 1998. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 2000. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 27).
Progress in algebraic combinatorics. - Mathematical Society of Japan, 1996. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 24).
Progress in differential geometry. - American Mathematical Society, 1993. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 22).
Zeta functions in geometry. Conference held at Tokyo, Japan, august 14-august 18, 1990. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1992. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 21).
Aspects of low dimensional manifolds. - American Mathematical Society, 1992. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 20).
Integrable systems in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics. - Academic Press, 1989. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 19).
Recent topics in differential and analytic geometry. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1990. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 18).
Algebraic number theory - in honor of K. Iwasawa. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1989. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 17).
Conformal field theory and solvable lattice models. - Academic Press, 1988. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 16).
Representations of Lie groups. Kyoto, september 1-3, 1986 & Hiroshima, september 4-6, 1986. - Academic Press, 1988. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 14).
Investigations in number theory. - Academic Press, 1988. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 13).
Galois representations and arithmetic algebraic geometry. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1987. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 12).
Commutative algebra and combinatorics. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1987. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 11).
Algebraic geometry, Sendai, 1985. Proceedings of the symposium held at Tohoku university in Sendai, Japan, 24-29 june, 1985. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1985. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 10).
Homotopy theory and related topics. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1987. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 9).
Complex analytic singularities. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1987. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 8).
Automorphic forms and number theory, proceedings november 7-11. Tohoku university. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1983. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 7).
Algebraic groups and related topics. Proceedings of symposia held at Kyoto from september 5 until september 7, 1983, and held in Nagoya from october 11 until october 14, 1983. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1985. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 6).
Foliations. Proceedings of a Symposium held at University of Tokyo, from July 14 until July 18, 1983. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1985. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 5).
Group representations and systems of differential equations. Proceedings of a symposium held at University of Tokyo from december 20 until december 27, 1982. - Academic Press, 1984. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 4).
Galois groups and their representations. Proceedings of a symposium held in Nagoya, from december 14, 1981, until december 18, 1981. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1983. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 2).
Cohomologie locale des faisceaux cohérents et théorèmes de Lefschetz locaux et globaux (SGA 2). Séminaire de géométrie algébrique du Bois-Marie, 1962. - Masson, 1968. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 2).
Algebraic varieties and analytic varieties Proceedings july 13-24. Tokyo. - North-Holland Publishing Comp., 1981. - (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics; 1).